Launching an Online Wine Marketplace for an Established Brick & Mortar Retailer
Happy Wines is a family-owned wine shop and restaurant in the Coconut Grove neighborhood in Miami, Florida. With over 2,000 wines in stock, they offer a diverse selection of varietals from around the world.
The challenge
Happy Wines asked FUZE to design and develop their first ever Ecommerce store for selling their extensive wine collection to wine lovers around the US. The project included a robust integration with their existing Inventory Management Software for tracking in-store vs. online transactions.
+ Creative Design
+ WooCommerce Development
+ Shopventory Integration for Inventory
+ Email Marketing Platform Integration

“We absolutely love working with local retailers who understand the value and potential of taking their brick and mortar businesses online. The Happy Wines team understands how Ecommerce can, and will, transform their business, and working with them was an exciting experience.”
– Allen Greer
Founder, FUZE